May be one day....
Some people believe that this is the end of the world.It may not be the end of the world, but it may be the end of a period.
It takes two possibilities ..
First of all, it will be fine and the world will start growing again at its own pace.
But even if this happened, a lot will change .. because this world will now know that even a small virus(smallest creature of nature) can stop the world. Now they will know what happens when nature comes upon itself and so on ..
The second possibility is the end of this period, such as the civilization of Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley Civilization.
Maybe a few years or a few thousand years later when a new period will develop. And in discovery of their archeological department, they got stories of our adventures, how we had ruined our beautiful world And then how we succumbed to our own deeds How did we give birth to our own ruin and ruin this beautiful world with us. #Revenge_of_nature
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